CMU 15-112 Spring 2019: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Check 8.4

  1. Check 8.4
    True or False: Class attributes can be modified after they have been defined, and any change will affect all objects of that class. If true, indicate so between the quotes in the answer box below. If false, enter a modified version of the original sentence that makes the sentence true.
    def answer(): # Insert your answer below between the quotes return "" import sys def set_certificate(certificate_div_id, certificate): document[certificate_div_id].textContent = certificate def get_student_code(student_code_div_id): raw_student_code = document[student_code_div_id].textContent return window.patchCodeToCheckTimeout(raw_student_code, 'check_timeout();'); class captureIO: def __init__(self): self.captured = [] def get_output(self): out = "" for c in self.captured: out += str(c) return out def write(self, data): self.captured.append(data) def flush(self): pass def make_certificate(student_code_div_id, certificate_div_id): student_code = get_student_code(student_code_div_id) certificate = [] try: capture = captureIO() sys.stdout = capture sys.stderr = capture exec(student_code) output = answer() output = output.lower()[0] certificate.append((output, type(output))) except: pass set_certificate(certificate_div_id, str(certificate))

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