VendingMachine class [50 pts] [autograded]
Write the VendingMachine class so that it passes testVendingMachineClass, and
uses the OOP constructs we learned this week as appropriate.
Hint: Make sure you're representing money properly wherever it might appear in the string representation of a Vending Machine. The test cases shown here don't cover every possible case...
def testVendingMachineClass():
print("Testing Vending Machine class...", end="")
# Vending machines have three main properties:
# how many bottles they contain, the price of a bottle, and
# how much money has been paid. A new vending machine starts with no
# money paid.
vm1 = VendingMachine(100, 125)
assert(str(vm1) == "Vending Machine:<100 bottles; $1.25 each; $0 paid>")
assert(vm1.isEmpty() == False)
assert(vm1.getBottleCount() == 100)
assert(vm1.stillOwe() == 125)
# When the user inserts money, the machine returns a message about their
# status and any change they need as a tuple.
assert(vm1.insertMoney(20) == ("Still owe $1.05", 0))
assert(vm1.stillOwe() == 105)
assert(vm1.getBottleCount() == 100)
assert(vm1.insertMoney(5) == ("Still owe $1", 0))
# When the user has paid enough money, they get a bottle and
# the money owed resets.
assert(vm1.insertMoney(100) == ("Got a bottle!", 0))
assert(vm1.getBottleCount() == 99)
assert(vm1.stillOwe() == 125)
assert(str(vm1) == "Vending Machine:<99 bottles; $1.25 each; $0 paid>")
# If the user pays too much money, they get their change back with the
# bottle.
assert(vm1.insertMoney(500) == ("Got a bottle!", 375))
assert(vm1.getBottleCount() == 98)
assert(vm1.stillOwe() == 125)
# Machines can become empty
vm2 = VendingMachine(1, 120)
assert(str(vm2) == "Vending Machine:<1 bottle; $1.20 each; $0 paid>")
assert(vm2.isEmpty() == False)
assert(vm2.insertMoney(120) == ("Got a bottle!", 0))
assert(vm2.getBottleCount() == 0)
assert(vm2.isEmpty() == True)
# Once a machine is empty, it should not accept money until it is restocked.
assert(str(vm2) == "Vending Machine:<0 bottles; $1.20 each; $0 paid>")
assert(vm2.insertMoney(25) == ("Machine is empty", 25))
assert(vm2.insertMoney(120) == ("Machine is empty", 120))
assert(vm2.stillOwe() == 120)
vm2.stockMachine(20) # Does not return anything
assert(vm2.getBottleCount() == 20)
assert(vm2.isEmpty() == False)
assert(str(vm2) == "Vending Machine:<20 bottles; $1.20 each; $0 paid>")
assert(vm2.insertMoney(25) == ("Still owe $0.95", 0))
assert(vm2.stillOwe() == 95)
assert(vm2.getBottleCount() == 40)
# We should be able to test machines for basic functionality
vm3 = VendingMachine(50, 100)
vm4 = VendingMachine(50, 100)
vm5 = VendingMachine(20, 100)
vm6 = VendingMachine(50, 200)
vm7 = "Vending Machine"
assert(vm3 == vm4)
assert(vm3 != vm5)
assert(vm3 != vm6)
assert(vm3 != vm7) # should not crash!
s = set()
assert(vm3 not in s)
assert(vm3 in s)
assert(vm3 not in s)
assert(vm4.insertMoney(50) == ("Still owe $0.50", 0))
assert(vm3 != vm4)